On row 10 I had to TINK back because I forgot to do the wrong side row and knit row 11 instead of row 10. I had added the beads and everything - had to remove the beads, TINK back, do row 10 and then redo row 11. Kind of time consuming but that's what I get for trying to do this while the kids are awake.
THEN on row 17 I thought my stitch count was off. I kept coming up with 1 less stitch than I thought should be there. I thought I must have forgotten to put in the last YO - tinked back and added a YO from the row above and finished out the row. WELL.....now I had too many stitches - I continued to tink back and add and remove that stitch two more times before I realized that the original row was CORRECT!!! There never was a problem - Geesh talk about making more work!
Now at row 34, everything is correct and I have a lifeline in. WHEW!!! In order to keep on track I need to do at least 17 rows a day so that I finish Clue #1 by the time Clue #2 is released. Wish me luck!!! :o)