Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Romantique Sampler

This is as close as you can cut it - Parts 7 & 8 were due today in order to receive the next two parts. I finished part 7 this morning before I got the kids off to school. WHEW!! What a relief! Can you imagine getting this far and then missing the due date???
I really and truly enjoyed these two parts. Especially part 7 with the lighter shade of pink. It's just so pretty :o)

I wanted to show a closeup of this part for the backstitching. It just adds so much to the design.

The Romantique in all it's glory so far.

K with cutie pie. I actually think the cutie pie is K ;o)

1 comment:

hakucho said...

Glad you didn't miss out on the next part of the sampler. It's beautiful. Yes, you have two cutie pies :)