I finally bit the bullet and am taking a quilting class. There is a quilting store not too far from me,
Eddie's Quilting Bee, that is fabulous. I have been in there before to drool over fabric, but have never taken a class.

These are the fabrics that I have chosen. When I say chosen, I mean that I went into the shop, signed up for the class and told one of the ladies who works there, Stacie, that I was taking a class and needed some help choosing fabric because their selection of fabrics is so immense that I was overwhelmed. She asked me some questions, showed me fabrics, pulled some off the wall and placed them together so I could get a feel for how they would look, and then I chose the ones above. I love them!

This is what my square looks like. First we cut 2 1/2 inch strips - learning to do that is key. Then we sewed the strips together and were supposed to get 6 1/2 inch wide combination strips. I couldn't get mine to reach that dimension, mine were 6 1/4 inches - I decided that my squares would just have to be 6 1/4 inches by 6 1/4 inches. I will need to work on getting my seams and dimensions more accurate to be successful at a more complicated quilt, but for the first try, this is not bad :o)

Here are all the squares laid out waiting to be sewn.

Here they are sewn. Our teacher, Diana, showed us how to "assembly line" sew them together and it was brilliant!! This made putting the top together so much quicker than the way I would have done it without her instruction. Our teacher is very good - she has a lot of knowledge and is very, very patient! I would take another class from her in a heartbeat.

Some of my seams/corners lined up and....

more lined up......

but some of them did not! I am happy just the same! I can't wait for my next class!!