Sunday, February 14, 2010

A 5yo birthday party

Of course no birthday is complete here without the requisite pinata. Another pinata being decorated.
He had so much fun painting this!! We had to go to Michaels to get just the right shade of blue for the base - and I think we used every single container of glittler glue that we had in the glue bin. "A little more of this one......just a little more of that one" it was fun to watch him put on the finishing touches.
The pinata in all it's glory - young son thought it was the most beautiful pinata he had ever seen :o)
Our whole crowd helped to get ready for the party. The 5yo planned the party - he told me what activites he wanted and how the cake should be. It was really pretty cute!
First up - See how many times you can hit the balloon before it touches the floor.
Balance the bean bag on your head and try to walk around. When the bean bag falls off you are frozen until a friend comes over and picks it up and places it back on your head all without their bean bag falling off. can just hold it on your head to solve the issue of gravity!
Instead of a goodie bag with lots of little things in it, we purchased a small, simple lego kit for each of the boys to put together as one of the activities and also for the take home gift.
I found these cute "Happy Birthday" bags for the boys to color to catch the candy from the pinata. I was surprised at how much these little guys liked to color :o)
Heeeeere's the birthday boy trying his hardest.
And again.....
And again!
Better bring in the reinforcements!
Instead of a traditional birthday cake, young son wanted to have his friends decorate their own cupcakes. Young son helped to make the cupcakes (his is bigger) and we just put out frosting, sprinkles and some M & M's
Gotta Sing!
All the kids had a blast!
Even young son, who usually does not like big crowds! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUDDY!

1 comment:

hakucho said...

Happy Birthday to your son! What a lucky little boy...sure looks like he had a fantastic birthday party. I love how he had the bigger "cup" cake...which looks delicious :) A very special day indeed!!