This morning was very laid back. We have no commitments - no soccer - no parties - just relax together. I decided to make a special breakfast for us. It's not fancy, but encompasses all the things the kids and us adults like. Behold:
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I am sick of knitting bears.
Finally! All the bears for all the neices and nephews are complete! I can't wait to hand them all out - I hope the kids like them :o)
These are for 2 sisters who live in New York
For my neice in Utah
For my sister's boys
For my husband's older brother's girlfriend's girls (say that 10 times fast!)
The whole gang! What a herd! My things 2 and 4 still want one of the mini-bears. I let them know that I need a break from bears for awhile - maybe I will make them for next year..... This year we are having the whole gang of our family here for the holidays. I can't wait to have all the cousins running around and all the fun and cooking and good conversation between all of us. It can't get any better than this for the holidays :o)
For my nephew in Canada
This picture would NOT cooperate - so it has to be sideways :o(
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I won, I won, I won!!

I won a contest over at Want What You Have. Heather had a game give away that I entered for this Cat In The Hat interactive game. I am so excited!!! I can't wait to share it with the kids - I think they will have a great time. Heather's blog is a really helpful blog about family, kids, organization (she is a master!!) and just enjoying the things that you already have. The title of her blog says it all, "Want What You Have". In these economic times that is an especially important message, but in my opinion it is an important message for all times. We have been trying to live our lives more frugally and her posts have been incredibly helpful, insightful, and inspiring. Her tips and posts have helped me to value more my role as wife, mother and homemaker in a time where these same roles can sometimes be undervalued. Thanks, Heather for all you do and thanks for letting me enter the contest!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Cookin' and Knittin'
So....I have been doing a fair amount of cooking lately. In an effort to "conserve" cash we cut out all take-out and all restaurant dining (no fast food either)-this has been since September. Even though I really like to cook, things have been getting a little boring around here. Sure the kids are happy with the 6 main menus I have been putting forth, but my husband and I, not so much. Enter Mom2my9 over at 11th Heaven's Homemaker Haven. I have been reading her blog for awhile now and am so-o-o impressed. She makes everything seem so easy and she has 9 kids. I have 5 and sometimes I feel so out of control!!! Anyway, she posted an entry over the weekend about planning and starting the prep for meals ahead of time. She even posted her menu - crockpot teriyaki chicken, rice, 'Chinese Buffet' green beans and Asian Salad. I decided right then and there to try it - I had almost all of the ingredients anyway, so I gave it a go. It was delicious and an unqualified success!! Everyone ate and had seconds of all of it - ALL OF IT - EACH KID - I still can't believe it! So I decided to make another dinner tonight:
Along with the cookin' comes the knittin'. Always knitting at the end of the day :o) The bear above is for our new baby cousin who is almost 4 months old.
Homemade Bread
Fresh Cut Veges
Again - they all loved it. I'm not sure what has changed??
Recipe for Tortellini Soup:
1T butter
4 cloves of garlic, minced
9 cubes of vegetable boullion
9 cups hot water
19 oz pkg cheese tortellini
1-14oz can stewed tomatoes Italian style
1-small box chopped spinach
Grated parmesan cheese
*Melt butter and saute garlic for 2 minutes
*Stir in hot water and vegetable cubes
*Bring to a boil and reduce heat
*Add tortellini and cook until just tender
*Add remaining ingredients and simmer 2 minutes
*Serve with sprinkled parmesan
Started: 11/14/08
Knitting Finished: 11/18/08
Rest Finished: 12/6/08 - I hate finishing!
Needles: US7
Yarn: Bear: Vana's Choice - Color #130 Honey
Jammies: Knit One Crochet Too Fleece - Color #1293
Started: 11/28/08
Finished: 12/06/08
Needles: US00 for bear - US1 for scarf
All of the thread is Royale Classic Size 10 Crochet Thread that was laying around. A long time ago a friend's mom gave me a whole bunch of this thread in all different colors and being the pack rat that I am, I kept it even though I didn't have any plans for it. Well - now I'm glad I did keep it!!
Started: 11/20/08
Finished: 11/28/08
Needles: US00 for bear, US1 for scarf
Same random batches of thread as listed above.
I still have a few more bears to sew together and embroider faces on. I am kind of all "bear'd" out now though and it is very tough to make myself finish these. It took me more than an hour to sew one bear together last night and I didn't even get to the face - I am unmotivated!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Shrinky dinks
Monday, December 1, 2008
More Juice Pouch Puses
These purses have turned out to be the best thing since sliced bread. They are easy to make (less than an hour each) and they have great "bang for the buck" so to speak. The pouches are mostly donated to me by my next door neighbor and some other friends because we don't purchase them all that often. I like them because they are a recycled gift and the cost to me is next to nothing - just a little bit of time - which I thoroughly enjoy!!
The one above is for young 3 1/2 yr old son. He wanted it to be just like the first one I made - so I happily obliged. This is dragged hither and yon. It holds his legos quite nicely :o)
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